Emmy nominated actress Brianne Tju will next be seen in Netflix’s film ‘Uglies’, which will be released on 13th September. Her previous roles include Hulu’s series ‘Light As a Feather’ and Amazon’s YA series ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’.

jewelry & shoes JUSTINE CLENQUET

Brianne, we’ll be seeing you in Netlfix’s ‘Uglies’, a dystopian fantasy film based on Scott Westerfeld’s novel, set  In a futuristic world that imposes a cosmetic surgery on teenagers. Tell us more about what can we expect when the film releases.

You can expect an adventurous, action-packed, and thought-provoking movie with a wonderful cast. Although the themes in this movie are more relevant than ever, ‘Uglies’ also captures a feeling of nostalgia for those who read the book years ago.

In the film, you portray Shay. What did you find the most exciting about your character and her story in the film?

Although Shay is a supporting character, she is a hero in her own right. I was excited to play such a brave character who I feel so inspired by. At 15 and a half, she challenges this dystopian society’s norms and puts her own potential and happiness first. It’s in her vulnerability that she finds strength.

What did you enjoy the most about the story of ‘Uglies’?

I really enjoyed working with Joey and creating a beautiful friendship between these young women that really shines on screen. There is often so much division and competition between women, so to see their relationship be the catalyst for their growth is so wonderful to me. 

Did you undergo any special preparation for this role, and read the novel before you started filming?

I read the book back in elementary school, but reading it again in my 20s was such a different experience. The book was a huge resource in my preparation, but during production, I tried to remain present and locked into the script. It’s really when Shay goes through her big transformation that I felt I had the most preparation to do. We wanted that moment to feel devastating and in order to do that, we had to create a vibrancy and pureness in Shay that when it’s taken away our hearts inevitably break.

One of your recent roles was also in Amazon’s modern take on the famous ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’. How exciting was being a part of this series for you?

I love genre films, especially horror, so to be a part of such an iconic world was very exciting and nerve-wracking. Playing Margot was a huge responsibility and honor. I miss her sometimes. The entire process was challenging, but fulfilling because I learned so much about myself as a person and actor. I also feel so lucky to still have friendships from that show. That was my biggest takeaway. 

jewelry & shoes JUSTINE CLENQUET

Tell us more about how your career as an actress began, and what ignited your passion for acting.

I started out as a dancer, so performing was always something I was drawn to. As children, me and my siblings were scouted to do commercials and print, which my parents supported as a way to supplement our college funds. I quickly fell in love and wanted to do television. Once I started, there was no looking back. I had always loved playing pretend, was drawn to television and movies, and wanted a way to escape my own confusing existence. I wanted more for myself, more options, more possibilities. Acting helped me find that, while also learning to love and embrace myself for who I am. There is strength in my individuality, which is something I try to bring into every character I play.

What challenges you as an actress the most, and how do you approach your new roles?

I feel most challenged by own insecurities and doubts. It’s been a long and winding road trying to get to a place where I feel confident about my abilities and what I have to offer. I still struggle. I try to approach every character with empathy and not judgment. No matter how outrageous they or their situation may be, they’re still people. It’s my favorite part about acting, exploring the complexities of being human.

If you could choose only one role as the one you really want to work on next, what kind of role would that be, and why?

I would love to do a rom-com or play someone evil. I’m honestly just really open to whatever comes my way. The entertainment industry is a tough one to be a part of right now, and I’m grateful for the release of ‘Uglies’ and  for every audition I receive. 

What are the things you enjoy most on your days off?

I love sleep. I love watching movies. I love being with my friends and family and my amazing partner. I love reading and cooking. I sometimes like to knit or make zines. 

What can you share with us about your other upcoming projects?

I’ve been a part of a couple of shorts lately and am in the process of directing my own with my best friend and writing partner Liana Liberato. I’m currently exploring ways to expand my creative abilities and artistry outside of just acting.  


photography and editing RICHIE RAMIREZ JR.
creative direction and styling HALEY TJU
makeup SHU ZHANG


