Meet Egosex, the genre-defying musical trio composed of Wekaforé, Joey, and Will. With a name that intrigues and a sound that captivates, Egosex has been making waves in the music scene with their gut-punching, introspective, and sensual style. Their innovative approach to music and fashion has garnered them a dedicated following and a spot on prestigious stages like Primavera Sound. In this interview, we delve into the origins of their unique name, the dynamics of their creative process, their latest track 'Yes We Are in Love,' and their vision for the future.

The name 'Egosex' is intriguing and evocative. Can you explain the meaning behind it and how it reflects your music and philosophy?

The term Egosex started with a sort of negative connotation. It was a word I made up as a joke to summarize the action of having sex with someone just for your own pleasure—it felt like a broken mirror. After borrowing some threads of reasoning from Freud’s theories of the Id, Superego, and Ego, the word began to take on more meanings. It continues to be a process of self-realization, the exploration of the 'IT,' finding your instinctive rhythm.

How did the three of you—Wekaforé, Joey, and Will—meet, and what made you decide to form a band together, and how do you complement each other in the creative process?

Joey is actually my third cousin on my dad’s side. We didn’t know of each other until three years ago when I somehow found out that he lives in Barcelona and was studying the saxophone. I got introduced to Will by my younger brother a few years ago. After testing out our synergy through a couple of shows, the creative process became almost second nature. We are a self-sustained group where we can produce, compose, record, mix, master, and perform, all mostly in-house.

How would you describe the style of Egosex in three words?

  • Gut-punching

  • Introspective

  • Sensual

Your new track 'Yes We Are in Love' is already resonating with many listeners. What was the inspiration behind this song, and what message do you hope to convey?

I think 'Yes We Are in Love' is like a trip through a really rushed, passionate romantic relationship. It’s beautiful and chaotic in the first half and then gloomy and nostalgic in the second half. The melodies are very true to me, and I hope it helps people who are in love to hold tighter and be a little more proud of it.

I saw your performance at Primavera Sound in June and loved it. How did it feel to be part of such a prestigious festival, and what was the experience like for you?

It was awesome; we had a lot of fun. These moments are special, and I’ll hold that evening in my hallmarks. We’re very critical of our live performances, so there’s always a tone of pragmatism after the show while being present and grateful for the opportunity.

What were some of the highlights and challenges of performing there, and how did the audience’s energy impact your performance?

It's a Yin-Yang thing. Theoretically, our music is like a mirror—the crowd is a reflection of the performer, and the performer is a reflection of the crowd. But in practicality, it’s a thing we continue to hone and develop—the ability to turn the lever in our favor whenever we please and seduce the audience into our heart rate.

As you prepare for your upcoming EP '15 Minutes of Fame,' what can fans expect in terms of musical direction and themes compared to your previous work?

The musical production is much more complex, and the funk is more direct. It definitely dives deeper into the more chaotic corner of the Egosex imaginarium. It's like 15 minutes of 'ok, I didn’t see that coming.'

Fashion seems to play a significant role in your public persona. How does fashion intersect with your music and overall artistic expression?

Fashion or style is the foundation of all my work. I naturally see through that lens, so I don’t really think about it. In my head, most things I do are no-brainers. I started studying fashion design and launched my design practice around the same time I started making music, so it has always gone hand-in-hand. Some people who know me don’t even know about Egosex.

Looking back at your journey since the release of 'Spirit Disco,' what have been some of the most significant moments in your career so far?

Being able to travel a bit and see more of the world through Egosex has been the most important gift to me. Composing music and acting for a Netflix movie was pretty big. Releasing 'Yes, We Are in Love'—although it might not seem like it now—is a huge breakthrough in my career.

What are your main goals and aspirations for the future?

We’ve started preliminary work on the first Egosex album. We want to play more shows outside the country and spread our gospel to more English-speaking markets. In our minds, there’s a Grammy with Egosex written on it, and we are following that vision.


