Keta Minaj is a fierce drag queen from Amsterdam who is not afraid to make a bold fashion statement. Appearing in the second season of Drag Race Holland, she rose to success thanks to her irresistible personality, precise sense of style and her Djing skills. After representing The Netherlands in Ru Paul’s Drag Race UK vs. The World season 2, touring solo or with her partner in crime My Little Puny in the duo Keta x Puny, we sat down with her to discuss creativity and fashion.


boots Keta Minaj’s own
corset and jewelry Stylist’s own

You started your career as a DJ and Makeup artist. After all this experience, what led you to start doing drag? 

My journey into drag was a natural evolution from my experiences as a DJ, makeup artist and musical performer. All of these careers allowed me to explore and express creativity in unique ways, but drag opened up a whole new world for me. It’s a perfect blend of art, performance, and identity. The ability to create a character and bring her to life on stage, while also incorporating my love for music and fashion, was simply irresistible. Drag became the ultimate form of self-expression, allowing me to combine all my passions into one powerful persona. 

What is the main inspiration behind Keta Minaj? What is she like?

Keta Minaj draws inspiration from a wild mix of high fashion, pop culture, and a never-ending Halloween trip. She’s bold, glamorous, fierce, and just a little bit unhinged. I channel the energy of iconic villainous women throughout history, pop divas, all with a dash of Tim Burton's dark whimsy. Keta is a blend of elegance and edge—she’s the Dutchess of the dance floor, with a mischievous streak and a whole lot of heart.


What can we expect to see when we come to see one of your shows?  

When you come to a Keta Minaj show, expect to be wowed by a visual and auditory extravaganza. I love to keep my audience on their toes, so you’ll see stunning costumes, dramatic makeup, and performances that are both entertaining and thought-provoking. I always aim to create a fully immersive experience—one where the audience feels like they’re part of the magic. And, of course, there will be surprises. Whether it’s a jaw-dropping reveal or a twist in the performance, I like to keep things exciting and unpredictable.


People also call you "The Dutchess." Where did that nickname come from? 

"The Dutchess" nickname came about as a playful pun, blending my Dutch heritage with a touch of regal flair. I’ve always had a strong desire to be in control, especially when it comes to arranging and creating experiences, whether on stage or behind the scenes. My friends noticed how much I enjoy taking charge and adding that extra touch of elegance to everything I do, and the name "The Dutchess" just naturally fit. It’s also the name of my business, where I bring that same sense of style and performance to makeup, styling, and more.

What do you think of the drag scene in the Netherlands, and in Amsterdam more specifically? 

The drag scene in the Netherlands is incredibly vibrant and diverse. There’s a strong sense of community and support among the queens here, which I absolutely love. In Amsterdam, specifically, the scene is thriving with creativity and talent. The city is known for its openness and acceptance, which allows for a lot of artistic freedom. There’s a unique blend of traditional drag and more experimental, avant-garde performances, making it an exciting place to be as a performer. I’m proud to be part of such a dynamic and evolving scene. 

shoes Stylist’s own

You have a DJ duo with My Little Puny called Keta x Puny, how did you reunite your passion for drag and your love for DJing?

Keta x Puny, also known by our stage name PUTA, was born from our mutual love for music and performance. With my background in DJing and Puny's passion for house music and MCing, it was a natural evolution for us to join forces and create something that blends our talents. Our duo brings the energy and flair of drag into the DJ booth. We love mixing tracks that get people moving , it’s the perfect fusion—high-energy music combined with the fabulousness of drag. 

You participated in the second season of Drag Race Holland. What was your experience like during the show?  

Participating in Drag Race Holland was a whirlwind experience—challenging, exhilarating, and incredibly rewarding. It pushed me to my limits, both creatively and emotionally, but it also helped me grow as a performer. The competition was fierce. It was a true test of my abilities, and I’m proud of what I accomplished on the show. Even tho questionable choices were made ;) this experience allowed me to connect with a wider audience, which has been amazing. 

What was the difference between participating in Drag Race Holland and RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs. The World season 2? How was it to represent the Netherlands on an international stage?

The main difference between Drag Race Holland and UK vs. The World was the scale and the stakes. Representing the Netherlands was an honor, but it also came with a sense of responsibility—I wanted to showcase the unique flavor of Dutch drag while also proving that I could hold my own against queens from all over the world. The competition was intense, but it was an incredible opportunity to push myself even further and connect with an international drag community. It was an unforgettable experience.


gloves COS
tulle pieces ALIET MOES
top and shoes Stylist’s own

Fashion is a big part of your drag, with daring looks often hiding a surprising reveal. How do you use fashion in your drag?  

Fashion is fundamental to Keta Minaj’s identity. I see fashion as a form of storytelling—it’s not just about looking good, but about conveying a message or creating a narrative. I love playing with contrasts, combining elegance with edginess, or blending traditional silhouettes with modern twists. The reveals are a way to keep things exciting and to challenge expectations. I want to keep my audience engaged and intrigued, so I use fashion as a tool to surprise and captivate them. Every outfit is carefully crafted to make a statement and to elevate the overall performance.

Do you have any exciting upcoming projects to share with us?  

Absolutely! I have some exciting projects on the horizon! In addition to continuing to perform and develop new shows, starting this October, I'll be part of the Dutch Drag Dynasty, performing three times a month at the Harbour Club in Amsterdam. I’m also exploring creating more content that blends music, drag, and fashion—so keep an eye out for some exciting releases soon. Plus, Keta x Puny has some big plans for future gigs and maybe even some original music. There’s a lot in the works, and I can’t wait to share it all with everyone.


photography JAANE JAIN
styling and production MAREK BARTEK
photography assistant MATTHEE VAN DER PLAS
styling assistant LINDA SCHREITER
editor-in-chief TIMOTEJ LETONJA
special thanks to PARQ STUDIOS


