interview JANA LETONJA

Actor and DJ Kristian Nairn is best known for his performance as the iconic character Hodor in ‘Game of Thrones’. On 14th September, Kristian will be releasing his memoir ‘Beyond The Throne’, sharing behind the scenes stories of the perils and thriumphs of ‘Game of Thrones’.

Kristian, what did your role on the massively successful series 'Game of Thrones’ mean to you, both professionally and personally?

It would probably be quicker to say how my life hasn’t changed. Literally everything is different, personally and professionally. It’s given me opportunities in life that I could only have dreamt of, and you had better believe that I am very grateful.


In a few days, you’ll be releasing your memoir ‘Beyond The Throne’, which will take fans behind the scenes. What can they expect when they will get to read the memoir?

It's not a tell-all scandalous or half made up version of events, it's just my view of the crazy things that started to happen around me, and how that started me on a very important journey. If you have ever wondered what it’s like to be dropped into an alien, and very unusual situation, that’s what I wanted to speak about in my book. I also wanted people to know what makes me tick and how I process, or don’t process, things.


One of the things we’ll get to read about is your audition and training for the role. Tell us more about those two aspects of your role on the show. How did you get cast on it and how did you prepare for the role? 

I think it could go down as one of the most unorthodox auditions in history. One of the things you must learn as an actor is that the act of auditioning, more than that, mastering yourself for an audition, is a different thing. Auditioning is, let's not sugar coat it, a stressful and exposing process in which ofter times you are facing the prospect of being rejected for one of a thousand reasons, and I would urge others, especially new to the process, to be mindful of their mental health. But as you will read, my audition in this case was pure chaos, and in that way I look back fondly on it. Being on set with such giants of the acting trade was a privilege and an experience I quickly realised I could learn a lot from, and fast. I guess you could say that I organised my own “on the job” training.


How would you sum up your overall experience on ‘Game of Thrones’, from behind the scenes to what fans were able to see on TV?

As well as being personally transformative, it felt like being part of a very large family. Even meeting actors I never acted with on the show, I often feel a shared camaraderie that you can only have through a shared experience, and it’s a nice feeling. The first couple of seasons felt aspirational and hopeful, and maybe expectations crept in after that, but in a way that pushed us all to give more than we knew we had. And I truly mean that about everyone, from the showrunners Dan and David, to us. Literally to every department. It was a special time. 


How did your journey as an actor begin, what ignited your passion for the craft?

Like most things in my life, it wasn’t exactly planned out carefully. I was given the set of skills that I have, and I’ve allowed the wind to blow me across a few paths that I connect with and that fulfill me. It’s actually in my nature to be cautious, but I was self aware about that, and I’ve always done my best to be a YES person when it comes to work. Cheesy as it is. Being a huge fantasy and sci-fi geek myself, I always admired people who could really weave the magic that it takes to really bring a character to life, and I love that I get to do it myself.

Besides acting, you are also a DJ. What do you enjoy the most about DJing, and what is your favorite performance you’ve done so far?

I can’t put an emphasis strongly enough on how important DJing is to me. It’s the connection with the crowd I love, the sharing of music and watching people react. It’s hugely rewarding and energising for me. It’s almost impossible to pick a gig honestly as there have been so many, and fortunately, I’ve loved most of them. But, anything I’ve done in Ibiza stands out.


Another important part of your life is performing as a drag queen Revvlon. Tell us more about this part of your life and how does drag performance help you find your voice and confidence?

The whole experience of being in drag is different for everyone, and we do it for different reasons. Mine was the beginning of my journey in a way that I couldn’t imagine. Revvlon was a Chrysalis for me to evolve within or behind, the shield that gave me the confidence so that I would no longer need it. That said, I have huge respect for the craft and I won’t rule out doing it again someday.


How does each of your creative pursuits impact your journey of self-discovery?

They impact me hugely. Although as different as each area seems, to me they are the same, and they lead me to the same feeling of peace and fulfilment. This is not wasted on me. I know I’m privileged to do what I do.


After the release of your memoir ‘Beyond The Throne’, what is coming up next for you?

I’ve been working on some other writing projects, be it music or literary, which has been a lot of fun, and I just recorded an audio drama 'Dungeon Masters' which Jon Hamm, Felicia Day, Will Wheaton, Anjali Bihmani, Emil Axford and just a great cast. I’m always working on something and I'm excited with what the future holds.


