interview by JANA LETONJA

Numéro Netherlands Digital presents Belgian-Senegalese footballer Noah Fadiga, captured by Maximilian Mair in Paris. Noah is currently playing as a defender for the esteemed Belgian club KAA Gent. However, Noah’s talents and interests extend far beyond the football pitch. His distinct and stylish approach to fashion reflects his radiant and charismatic personality, earning him recognition in the fashion world.

Noah, how did you develop passion and interest in football?

I was practically born into football, thanks to my dad. From the age of 4 or 5, football was a constant presence in my life. By the time I was 8, things started to get serious when I began playing for KAA Gent. It was always more than just a hobby. It was a passion that grew with me. 

suit & coat DAWEI
shirt ADIDAS Y-3
boots ROA

You are playing as a defender. Have you ever explored other positions on the pitch, or you’ve always known you’re destined to be a defender?

I’m not just a defender. I cover the entire right side of the pitch. My main characteristics are my physicality and work rate, similar to that of a wide receiver in American football. When I was younger, I actually played as a left winger. So, my versatility has always been a part of my game, but over time, I found my strengths were best utilized in defense. 

What do you enjoy most about football, and what would you say are your biggest goals for your career?

I’m already proud to represent my national team, but my goals go even further. I want to be part of the top 5 leagues and build my own legacy. I also aspire to embrace the beauty of both my Belgian and Senegalese cultures. Just like in our photoshoot, where we blended elements of both cultures, I want my career to reflect that richness and diversity. 

For your distinct style, you’ve garnered recognition also in the fashion world. How do you describe your personal style, and how does your fashion approach reflect your personality?

I’ve always taken great care with my appearance. My style is defined by clean cuts with a bit of shine and warmth. But it’s not just about the aesthetic, it’s the full spectrum, from the scent I wear to the products I use, and of course, the outfit itself. Everything is thoroughly thought through because I have a love for details. 

pants ADIDAS Y-3
custom made tank top ROMAIN DUCOS

What does fashion represent to you, and what makes it an important part of your life?

Fashion is a way to express who I am as a person. It allows me to create my own look, explore my creativity, and get inspired by new styles and people. The more I learn about fashion, the more confident I become in my appearance. I dare to express my fashion interests because I believe in trying new ways of dressing with passion for new. 

Football and fashion are not your only passions though. You are very passionate about interior design as well. What sparked your interest in interior design and what does it mean to you as a creative outlet?

My home is my safe space where I can create, and interior design is a nice hobby that brings calm into my hectic daily life. It’s my way of finding peace and expressing myself in a diWerent medium. 

coat, shirt, & pants ADIDAS Y-3
wool top JLAL
boots ROA

Why do you describe design philosophy as ‘Modern Nostalgia’? Tell us more about it.

I like to mix nostalgic pieces and memories of mine with modern or "simpler" pieces. It’s about stepping out of the fast-paced world and creating a space where we set the pace, and where the piano music plays in the background. It’s modern and timeless, but with a touch of nostalgia that brings a sense of comfort and familiarity. 

What was your favorite interior design project you’ve worked on so far, and why?

Our own house here in Belgium is my favorite project. It’s a reflection of me and my wife, the place where we’ve invested the most passion and love. It’s more than just a home, it’s our safe haven, where we feel most at peace. 

vest, jeans & shoes ROA
wool top JLAL
jacket Stylist’s Own

coat & pants RIER
jumper ROAR
hoes ADIDAS Y-3

You are also a devoted family man. How do you balance it all, and make sure family remains your priority?

Family has always been a priority, no matter where I am. Whether in Belgium, France or elsewhere, we always stay connected. My family has traveled halfway across the globe or driven for over 13 hours just to be with me, so I would do the same for them without hesitation. Now that I’m living in Belgium, it’s even easier because my family is close by, but even when we were apart, we made sure to stay in touch all the time. 

Being more than an athlete, what is coming up next for you, besides the busy new football season?

I’m excited to explore the fashion culture and the creative world more deeply. Over the last year, I’ve laid the foundation, and now I’m ready to build on it. It’s exciting to learn and do new things, especially with opportunities like working with platforms such as Numero Netherlands. It’s a chance to communicate my vision to a broader audience. We all have a little creative inside us, not just the label we wear during the day. So, whether it’s through a magazine editorial, a brand feature or attending Fashion Weeks, you’ll definitely see more of me because I’m more than just an athlete. 

jacket & pants CARHARRT
shirt custom made PAUL KADJO
boots ROA

photographer MAXIMILIAN MAIR
production & creative director COREY LEE ANTON & REYLEE
styling assistant KEMISSA RACINE
interview JANA LETONJA


