interview by JANA LETONJA

Actor Anders Keith will be reprising his starring role in season 2 of Paramount+’s reboot of the iconic hit sitcom ‘Frasier’, which premiered on 19th September. In addition to his roles on-screen, Anders also performs on stage and most recently starred in the Pasadena Playhouse production of ‘The Sound Inside’.


Anders, we’re currently able to watch you reprising your role in the second season of the ‘Frasier’ reboot. What can viewers expect from the second season?

Like many sitcoms and series, I believe we have hit our stride in our second season. Throughout season one, we were setting up a new chapter of Frasier’s life, and now we get to see him live in that chapter. We also have the chance to do a deeper dive on each of the characters, and that has been really fun.

In the series, you portray Frasier’s Ivy League attending nephew. What is in store for David this upcoming season?

Throughout season two, we get to watch David progress from his first year in college to his second year. He is still figuring out the kind of man he would like to become. We see him take after his father as an unrequited lover, his mother as the loving caretaker, and maybe even his professor Alan Cornwall has rubbed off on him a little. It’s been great exploring the different sides of David and watching the character grow.

How do you think the reboot perfectly continues the story of the characters since the original series ended?

Life is a funny thing. Just when you think it’s happily ever after, the page turns and the story continues. It is a remarkable aspect of the structure of a television show. Where a movie is a contained unit and sometimes sequels can feel superfluous, TV accurately displays the continuous human struggle to be true to oneself and be happy. In my opinion, this reboot excels with accepting that over the course of 20 years, Frasier has changed and circumstances have led him to move closer to his family later in life, like so many people do. But that same human struggle is ever present. And it is that struggle that is so fun for both new and returning viewers to watch.

How did acting become your passion and career?

When I was 10 years old, my grandparents, both passionate retired artists, regularly performed original plays for their senior center. They thought they needed a new character and I thought I had some potential, so they put me in one of their plays. We rehearsed it on the weekends in what can only be described as a barn. The rest is history as they say.

With being fairly early into your acting career, what goals have you set for yourself as an actor?

One of my goals is to continue to bridge the gap between comedy and drama. For me, tragedy and comedy are two sides of the same coin. Some of my favorite characters are both funny and deeply troubled. I believe characters like this have the maximum potential to both entertain audiences and make them reconsider the world in which we live. So, I definitely want to tackle more characters in this vein in the future.

What kind of roles are you excited to explore down the road in your career?

Mad scientists, social rejects, cowboys and romantic leads. I’ll play anyone with a vision. I’d love to work with Greta Gerwig.

Prior to acting on screen, you’ve long been performing on stage. What made you go from stage to screen, and how does working in both mediums differ for you?

I have always loved working in theater, however, television is a completely different medium and one I have been so excited to explore. I have found that with ‘Frasier’, the series is like a play, so I was comfortable on set quickly. We have sets with the fourth wall missing, much like a theatrical production, and we even have a live audience. On a TV show with microphones, obviously you don’t have to project as much.  Since I am just getting started in my career, I am excited to learn more. 

When you’re not on set or on the stage, what activities do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy spending time with friends and loved ones. I also have a passion for collecting and playing vintage video games, which started in 7th grade. I am currently playing ‘Castlevania Bloodlines’ for the SEGA Genesis to get into the Halloween spirit. I also just finished ‘Earthbound’ on the Super Nintendo for the first time. What a game. I would love to be in a video game one day. If anyone reading this has any suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me, as I am always looking for the next game to play.

After the new season of ‘Frasier’, what projects do you have coming up next?

I love to write, and who knows if the world is ready for that, but I am currently working on something top secret and very intriguing.

photography SELA SHILONI
