interview JANA LETONJA

Avery Woods is a digital creator and the charismatic host of the popular podcast ‘Cheers! with Avery Woods’. Before solidifying herself as a top-tier beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and motherhood creator, Avery worked as an aesthetic nurse injector. Since her content going viral, Avery's platform offers a window into her busy life, balancing her career and parenting.


Avery, what was the pivotal moment of your content going viral on social media? 

I’d been creating content for years about my nursing job, life and balancing everything during the pandemic and after. When I began sharing more of my day to day with my family with a little bit of humor, I think it resonated with a lot of moms that life does not always look picture perfect, and my following really took off.

How did that inspire you to become a digital creator, and what do you enjoy the most about this career? 

I’ve always been comfortable in front of the camera and enjoying performing growing up, so it felt almost natural to take people along in my life. I wanted to find a way to fully support my family and have schedule flexibility, and that is exactly what I love about this career.

How do you choose contents for your platform, and what is the driving factor when creating it? 

I really do like to be as organic as possible, so will share my day to day, life as a parent, work things, etc. I think the driving factor when creating it is just to share all sides, the imperfect, the good, the bad, and to have a little fun with everything. 

You also share a lot about motherhood, and have become a go-to for moms everywhere. How do you approach your content on motherhood and what is the most important aspect when posting about it? 

Motherhood is so different for everyone, so for me, I am just trying to share my truth and what life looks like for me. I hope it resonates with someone that may be facing something similar, or can relate to a funny situation I’m in, but always try to come from a judgment-free lens.

With sharing your life publicly, how do you make sure to stay true to yourself? 

People see such a small percentage of my life through these videos. There is so much of my day to day that is just off camera with family and friends, and that is what fills my cup and keeps me true to myself.

One of your focuses is also fashion. What do you love the most about fashion and what does fashion represent to you? 

Fashion is such a fun outlet for me. After two c-sections and having to find myself again, it’s always amazing to experiment with outfits and fashion.

Before delving into content creation, you were an aesthetic nurse injector. Tell us more about this chapter of your life, and things we maybe don’t know about these aesthetic procedures, both good and bad. 

I enjoyed helping my clients achieve their goals when it came to facial rebalancing and Botox. With a background in pediatric intensive care, it was a new category of nursing I was excited to learn about. I did a lot of studying on facial anatomy and being the nerd that I am, learning about any type of science or educating myself on a different category of nursing was extremely enjoyable for me.

During the pandemic, you were a PICU nurse. How hard was this period to experience and what are the biggest lessons you took from it? 

This was such a pivotal time in my life. It provided a lot of perspective that has shaped who I am today and how I approach life. I worked up until 5 days before my c-section during the pandemic, using the same N95 mask for my entire pregnancy due to low supplies in the hospital. I remember running to codes at 9 months pregnant, doing compressions in gowns, gloves and double masked sweating so much I had to change my scrubs. It was a time no one understood unless they worked in the medical field during that time, but it’s something I would never change. It gave me a new perspective on life and I am grateful for that. Everything that my life is now is something I don’t take for granted because of what I came from in a past career. Nursing will always be a part of me.

You also host a popular podcast ‘Cheers! with Avery Woods’. What made you decide to start your own podcast, what is it all about, and what makes it stand out amongst many podcasts we are surrounded with? 

I love connecting with people and have wanted to start a podcast since forever. I knew I’d have to give it 110 % and felt so prepared and ready to take it on, and knew I’d have the support of some amazing guests and my audience. I think it stands out because it is truly unfiltered conversation, but there is a foundation of trust with all of the guests allowing for a more open dialogue. 

After being a part of Kosas biggest campaign of the summer, what is coming up next for you? 

So many fun things. I just launched an incredibly successful collaboration with The Mayfair Group, and have a few other exciting things in the works. I am super fortunate to have these incredible opportunities. You’ll have to stay tuned.
