interview JANA LETONJA

Athlete Andrew Howe has demonstrated impressive versatility, excelling not only in track and field but also in musical and television domains, making him a multifaceted and fascinating figure in the Italian sports and entertainment landscape.

Andrew, how did your career as a professional long jump athlete develop?

My career in long jump developed from a strong foundation in athletics during my youth. I started competing in various track and field events, and my talent in long jump quickly became apparent. With the support of my coaches and family, I honed my skills and focused on this event. My dedication and hard work paid off as I progressed through national and international competitions, eventually achieving significant milestones like winning gold at the European Championships.


Growing up, you were engaged in many sports, from tennis, soccer, to basketball. How did you end up in a completely different sport in the end? What made you give up on the rest of these sports?

While I enjoyed playing tennis, soccer and basketball, it was track and field that truly captivated me. The individual nature of the sport, combined with the thrill of pushing my limits and achieving personal bests, drew me in. As I started to excel in track events, I realized my potential and decided to focus entirely on athletics. This decision was driven by a passion for the sport and a desire to see how far I could go.

full look CALVIN KLEIN

Having achieved multiple notable results, like Bronze at the World Championship and gold at the European Championship, which achievement holds the most special place in your heart and why?

Winning gold at the European Championships holds a special place in my heart. It was a culmination of years of hard work, determination and overcoming challenges. Standing on the podium, hearing the national anthem and feeling the pride of representing Italy was an indescribable moment. It validated all the sacrifices and efforts I had put into my career.


One of the special things you’ve done is also winning 14 titles in 4 different specialties, 200 m, long jump, 4x200 m and 4x400 m. How do preparations and trainings for all these different specialties differ for you?

Training for multiple specialties requires a versatile and well-rounded approach. Each event has unique demands. For instance, the 200 m sprint focuses on speed and explosive power, while the long jump emphasizes technique and agility. Relay events like 4x200m and 4x400m demand teamwork and precise baton exchanges. My training regimen includes a mix of speed work, strength training, technical drills and strategic planning to ensure I can perform at my best across these varied events.


Why does sport present such an important part of your life even when you are not doing it professionally?

Sport has always been a significant part of my life because it teaches discipline, resilience and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Even when I’m not competing professionally, staying active and engaged in sports helps me stay physically fit, mentally sharp and connected to a community of like-minded individuals. It’s also a way for me to give back by mentoring young athletes and promoting the values of sportsmanship and perseverance.

full look LARDINI

You’ve also had numerous experiences in the entertainment and music industry. Tell us more about this.

My foray into the entertainment and music industry has been an exciting journey. I’ve had the opportunity to appear on television shows, both as a guest and a performer, which has allowed me to showcase a different side of my personality. Music, especially playing the drums, is a passion of mine that I I’ve had since I was 6  years old, and I’ve been able to collaborate with Mixhell and the drummer of Sepultura, Igor Cavaliera. I’ve also played the drums for a post hardcore band called LAGS and we’ve put out two full length albums. These experiences have enriched my life and provided a creative outlet beyond the world of sports.


Like you mentioned, one of your passions is also playing drums. What do you love the most about this instrument and playing it?

Playing drums is a liberating experience for me. I love the rhythm, the energy and the way it allows me to express myself musically. Drumming requires coordination, timing and creativity, much like athletics, and it’s a fantastic way to channel my energy and emotions. The sense of accomplishment when I master a complex beat or perform with a band is incredibly fulfilling.


What can you share with us about your other passions and hobbies in life?

Apart from sports and music, I have a keen interest in photography and travel. I enjoy capturing moments and landscapes through my camera, which allows me to see the world from different perspectives. Traveling exposes me to new cultures, cuisines and experiences, enriching my understanding of the world. These hobbies keep me curious, creative and constantly learning.

full look LARDINI

If we asked you where do you see yourself in let’s say 5 years, what would be your answer?

In five years, I see myself continuing to evolve both personally and professionally. I hope to be involved in sports, perhaps in a coaching or mentoring role, helping develop the next generation of athletes. I also aim to expand my presence in the entertainment and music industry, exploring new opportunities and collaborations. Additionally, I want to continue my travels and pursue my creative passions, living a balanced and fulfilling life.


What is coming up next for you?

Right now, I am working on a capsule collection of mine for running apparel. It should be out by November. I am still training really hard because I really want to try to compete next year even if it is hard, but I want to try one last time. 

coat, pants & bag FENDI
shoes TOD’S

photographer NICOLA DEROSA
editor-in-chief TIMOTEJ LETONJA
