On January 6, 2025, Balenciaga will debut its New Year series through videos directed by Lucca Lutzky, accompanied by still imagery. Actress Zhang Xiaofei, actress and singer Yang Chaoyue and model Bing Bing Liu star in the campaign, showcasing the New Year series alongside pieces from the Spring 25 collection.
Filmed in relaxed home settings, the videos capture intimate moments reflected in mirrors as the talent prepare for New Year festivities. Through heartfelt voiceovers, they share uplifting reflections on anticipating good fortune and honoring cherished New Year traditions.
The series features new ready-to-wear styles, including hooded denim and flannel jackets, a leather taxi jacket, hoodies, sweatpants, and t-shirts. Each piece is adorned with the New Year series motif: a patched monogram Balenciaga logo with a washed, frayed finish.
The New Year series will be available in select Balenciaga stores worldwide and on and